Letter love

Practicing calligraphy and writing letters is the perfect combination 🙂

…and also it’s the perfect excuse to use my bird stamps!!!
A few of my birds are now available at  ‘Rubber Dance‘ – go check them out. They have a wonderful collection of rubber stamps. (My first licensed design contract! :))




More snail mail – perhaps you remember the birthday card I painted – here together with the envelope: I used watercolor to write the address and a sparkly sharpie to add some delicate botanicals.


…and some doodles added to the inside of an envelope – no liner needed! 🙂



Thanks so much for stopping by!





  1. Jana, this is all so beautiful, it warms my heart! (what do you say for “herzerwärmend?)

  2. Awww, danke Gabriele! …ich denke, ‘heartwarming’ is just fine 🙂 (or the way you wrote it too :))
    Hugs to you too ❤

  3. Your mail art is astoundingly beautiful. I see you got a strong white from that ink pad. I’ve found white ink to be quite disappointing . Perhaps it works better on some papers than others. Congratulations on the stamp design contract. That’s fantastic.

    1. Thank you so much, Laura ❤ This is the first white ink pad I own – it works quite well (though it takes a long time for the ink to dry). Perhaps you'll add one to your Holiday wishlist?! 😉

      1. I actually own the same white ink pad, which was why I was curious about your experience with it. Perhaps I need to ink up the stamps more or maybe I have used it against colours that are too vibrant. I have not used it much so I need to try it again.

        1. Oh – I see. Hmmm, I used it on dark blue paper also and it worked nicely there too… I store this ink pad upside down, so the surface is always nicely soaked – perhaps worth a try?!

          1. That’s a great tip. Thanks.

  4. Whoa. The stamp is adorable, your calligraphy is amazing, and that birthday card is lovely! You’ve got a trifecta going on.
    By the by, what kind of pen did you use to doodle on the inside of that envelope?

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment! 🙂
      I used a white gelly roll from Sakura for those doodles.

      1. Thank you too, haha, and you’re welcome.

  5. Hej Jana! So nice to see you using your own bird stamp – I love those birdies! 🙂
    The liner you made with awhite pen inside the envelope is such a sweet idea!
    Thank you for sharing and linking to my website. May your bird stamps fly freely! ;)))

    1. Awww, thanks, Bibi!
      Yes please, let the birds fly all over the world!!! 🙂 Thanks for making it possible ❤

  6. Jana i will try those doodles inside the envelope 🙂 clever! At least no more cutting and pasting 😉

    1. Have fun! 🙂 …though I still like to cut and paste patterend liners 😉

  7. […] the way, my friend Jana of Tangled Pen has made the design of the bird stamps, and she kindly gifted these to me. Aren’t they […]

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